Guimarães & Braga Tour

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8 horas

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Experiência de excursão para pequenos grupos até 8 pessoas

Explore a rica história e o património cultural de Braga e Guimarães numa visita guiada inesquecível, visitando dois locais classificados como Património Mundial da UNESCO.

Embarque numa visita memorável a Braga e Guimarães a partir do Porto, mergulhando na rica história e no património cultural destas cidades fascinantes.

A nossa viagem começa em Guimarães, muitas vezes aclamada como o berço de Portugal e reconhecida como Património Mundial da UNESCO. Exploraremos a atmosfera medieval da cidade, começando com uma visita ao impressionante Castelo de Guimarães do século X, crucial no início da história de Portugal. De seguida, visitaremos o majestoso Paço dos Duques de Bragança, símbolo da herança nobre de Portugal, e passearemos pelo pitoresco centro histórico, com as suas encantadoras ruas e praças medievais.

Depois de um delicioso almoço acompanhado por um vinho verde regional, o nosso passeio continua até Braga, conhecida como a cidade mais antiga de Portugal e capital religiosa. Braga tem uma história rica como a mais antiga sede episcopal e local de peregrinação, com maravilhas arquitectónicas que datam de há séculos. Passearemos pelo centro da cidade e visitaremos a Sé Catedral, que exibe uma notável arquitetura românica, gótica e barroca.

Antes de concluirmos o nosso passeio, exploraremos o icónico Santuário do Bom Jesus do Monte, Património Mundial da UNESCO, conhecido pela sua devoção espiritual e esplendor arquitetónico. Descubra os seus belos jardins e ambiente rural, bem como a majestosa escadaria barroca de 573 degraus, conhecida como a Via Sacra, que conduz a uma das igrejas mais fotografadas do mundo. Situado no cimo de uma colina, o Bom Jesus do Monte oferece uma vista panorâmica deslumbrante sobre os arredores de Braga.

Junte-se a nós nesta viagem inesquecível por Braga e Guimarães, onde a história, a cultura e as paisagens deslumbrantes convergem para criar uma experiência enriquecedora. Reserve já o seu passeio e descubra o fascinante património destes locais históricos de Portugal!


  • Exploração guiada de dois locais classificados como Património Mundial pela UNESCO
  • Descubra o ambiente medieval de Guimarães e o Castelo de Guimarães
  • Desfrute de um delicioso almoço tradicional português acompanhado de vinho verde regional
  • Experencie a beleza e o centro histórico de Braga, assim como a Sé Catedral de Braga
  • Explore o Santuário do Bom Jesus, um famoso destino de peregrinação e sua colina sagrada


  • Trip
  • Trip 2


  • Recolha no hotel
  • Visita guiada de dia inteiro numa carrinha confortável
  • Almoço tradicional completo com Vinho Verde
  • Entradas incluídas nos monumentos a visitar
  • Água engarrafada com embalagem sustentável
  • Drop-off em dois locais centrais: Estação da Trindade ou Palácio da Bolsa


  • Comidas e bebidas não mencionadas
  • Gratificações

Ver as avaliações

283 avaliações no TripAdvisor

Worth it!

A wonderful day for our entire family. Our guide Miguel was thoughtful, very knowledgable and informative. The wineries and cruise were first class. We especially enjoyed Sabrosa and its hospitality. The lone caution is that the tour takes you on some winding roads along steep inclines that may cause some passengers at bit of motion discomfort. Nevertheless, it was a truly thoroughly worthwhile experience that enriched all of us.

Review of: Guimaraes & Braga Small Group Tour, Lunch & All Tickets included
Paul P

Paul P

An excellent way to spend a day in the north of Portugal

If you are unsure about which tour to book, or if you should book any tour at all, allow me to assure you that this is the right decision. After a few bad experiences I am staunchly anti-tours. But while planning this trip with my family we realized that if we wanted to see the Douro Valley during our time in Porto, it would be more convenient to let a tour company handle the logistics. On your own, you are renting the car, you are planning the driving route, you are the one getting lost or turned around, you are the one choosing which wineries and restaurants to visit, you are responsible for booking the river cruise. Or, you could click 'Book' with Cooltour Oporto and they will take care of all of the above. On the day of our tour we were picked up at our hotel's front door and driven to Sabrosa, the birthplace of Ferdinand Magellan, for a short pit stop of coffee and pastry. It was here we first saw we made a good decision. For one, if you are planning your own day trip would you know it was possible to stop in the birthplace of Magellan? Would you know to order your coffee with smell (cafe com cheirinho), a coffee with an added shot of spirit? These were a few of the interesting things our tour guide planned for us that we would never know to do if left to plan our own trip. We then went on to tour two wineries where we bought multiple bottles of their fantastic port wine and some gorgeous olive oil. We had a beautiful lunch al fresco at a delicious restaurant, and of course the picturesque river cruise through the valley. My six year old daughter even had a good time as one of the wineries had two friendly farmhouse kittens that allowed her to pick them up and pet them. At the end of the day, our tour guide drove us back to the front door of our hotel. We had such a brilliant time that we still talk about it a year after the fact. To Cooltour Oporto, and especially our great tour guide João, sorry for such a late review (almost a year later). João your tour was one of the highlights of our trip to Portugal. Thank you so much for making our trip to Porto so memorable and special. Hopefully our paths cross again sometime. And remember, if you're ever in Taiwan we'd love to be able to give YOU a tour. To Cooltour Oporto, your man João is a 5-star tour guide. Do whatever you can to keep him happy ;)

Review of: Guimaraes & Braga Small Group Tour, Lunch & All Tickets included
Kyle M

Kyle M

Very nice

Great guide, good attention to detail, well thought out plan and you could have asked more about any topic, religion, architecture, history… what ever you wanted.

Review of: Guimaraes & Braga Small Group Tour, Lunch & All Tickets included



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